dredg demo:"redrawing the island map" interpreted by defjeffrey passing lights reed flashes like running by a wooden fence only a little light gets through to grace its body with its aura aura tracks beneath rattle out like the roofs above they only obstruct the clouds and sound that would grace its body with its aura aura with it's muzzled mouth... while miming and juggling our souls look at it's muzzled mouth... funnel out the negative only the positive gets through to grace its body with it's muzzled mouhth... while miming and juggling our souls look at it's muzzled mouth.... miming and juggling our souls cant fight our way outta here cant fight our way outta here look at the silly hat they make us wear look at these stupid tricks they make us do how phobic and frantic they make us feel look at these stupid tricks they make us do with its muscles out look at its muscles now while miming and juggling our souls look at its muscles now while miming and juggling our souls cant fight our way outta here cant fight our way outta here our way outta here